Saturday, June 17, 2006

More Pubs

The pubs follow the order of my walk to campus. Here is the sign for "The Lamb". It's by far my favorite pub in London--mostly because it's 250 years old and has great dark corners to hide in. There are also no televisions (a creeping plague spreading throughout London's pubs). Perhaps we'll go for a tour inside at some point.

Next we come to a pub with a fabulous name (but not a place that I actually go). It's just reassuring to walk past it.

A bit of Florida on a land-locked street:

Wine bars are apparently the sophisticated alternative to pubs. This place is quite near Gray's Inn...

And so we arrive on the LSE one of the three campus pubs. I know absolutely nothing about George IV, or why the LSE decided to buy this particular pub. But he looks like a nice guy, doesn't he?


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